
Donation account

For this you can donate

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, dear friends of Blockhaus Ahlhorn,
Blockhaus Ahlhorn gGmbH is a non-profit organization. For donations with which you would like to support our work, we can gladly issue a donation receipt. On this page we present projects for the implementation of which we need your help.

We are very happy about your support!

The Blockhaus Ahlhorn is a non-profit organization of the district of Oldenburg. Our mission is in particular
the promotion of youth welfare,
the promotion of education,
the promotion of environmental protection and nature conservation,
the promotion of the international spirit of tolerance in all
areas of culture and international understanding,
the promotion of development cooperation,
the promotion of civic engagement for charitable, benevolent and ecclesiastical purposes.

We are fulfilling this task with a variety of projects. We are pleased to receive a wide range of support from the region. Our work is also supported in a special way by the German-Polish Youth Office and the German Foreign Ministry.

We are dependent on further donations so that we can continue to expand our successful work! On this page we would like to present two projects for which we do not receive any funding from other sources. However, we would like to realize both projects and are therefore dependent on your help.

Request for support:

European Christmas traditions in the Ahlhorn log cabin

This project, which has already been carried out twice, will continue to take place annually in the Ahlhorn log cabin during the Advent season.,0,3072034321.html#

Last year, choirs, orchestras and theater groups from Ukraine and Poland were guests at the Blockhaus Ahlhorn during the Christmas season, and in the summer a large choir meeting with choirs from Ukraine, Poland and Germany took place at the Blockhaus.

In addition to a performance in the Alexanderkirche, performances in schools in the district of Oldenburg are also planned. The participating groups are also happy to perform at other locations in the old Oldenburg region during this time.
On Sunday, December 15, 2024 (third Advent) we will have an open day in the log cabin. Starting with a church service at 10.00 a.m. in the log cabin church, the log cabin will open its doors to visitors throughout the day. In cooperation with the vocational school in Wildeshausen and the vocational school in our Polish partner district, we also want to create a small Christmas village this year.

We would be delighted to receive an earmarked donation for this project. Please use the keyword “Christmas traditions” for the donation. We will be happy to issue a donation receipt for your donation.

Donations for this project can be paid into the following account:
Blockhaus Ahlhorn gGmbH
DE95 2805 0100 0094 2088 16

We are also happy to issue a donation receipt on request. On special request, we are also happy to add supporters and sponsors to a mailing list so that we can invite them to future events and report directly on developments at the Blockhaus.